Awareness Camp.

India has made rapid strides in the health sector since independence. However, various eye opening data clearly indicate that access to healthcare still remains a challenge.

Apart from this, their situation is vulnerable because of lack of education and public health awareness. The key challenges in the health care domain are poor accountability, low-quality care, lack of health awareness and limited access to health facilities. As a result, majority of people in India, turn to local private health sector as their first choice of care. Local private health care is expensive and unregulated sometimes.

Considering the entire picture, Karuna Devi Foundation took the initiative of introducing rural India to health awareness programme. With the objective to, fill the gaps in implementation of various policies and programs failed to meet the goals of a healthy rural India. It aims to educate rural India and make them aware of how to take proper care of their health. This programme is focused towards addressing issues of personal health care, vaccination, hygiene, and illness prevention.

Tuberculosis (TB)

India is the country with the highest burden of TB. The World Health Organisation (WHO) TB statistics for India for 2016 give an estimated incidence figure of 2.79 million cases of TB for India. The TB incidence is the number of new cases of active TB disease during a certain time period (usually a year).


In 2016 out of the total reported patients, almost one fifth of the patients were reported from the private sector. As shown below there was wide variation from state to state in respect of the proportionate reporting of TB patients from the two sectors. In Kerala the reporting was almost equal, whilst the number reported was nil in some of the NE states.


Also, as shown below out of the million and a half people with TB, who were tested for HIV in 2016, about 3% or 50,000 were found to be HIV positive with again great variation among the different states


Causes: It’s spread when a person with active TB disease in their lungs coughs or sneezes and someone else inhales the expelled droplets, which contain TB bacteria.
Although TB is spread in a similar way to a cold or the flu, it isn’t as contagious



Heart Disease

The number of people affected by cardiac diseases has doubled, the study estimated. About 54.5 million people were affected by the disease in 2016 compared to 25.7 million in 1990. Hardening of arteries was more common in men than women while strokes affect both sexes equally.


The study, which documented trends in cardiovascular disease in each Indian state over 25 years, described heart disease as “a major public health problem leading to premature deaths and disease across the states of India’’.


Causes:Bad food, BP, air pollution, high cholesterol and tobacco: Biggest factors




In India, cancer risk is constantly on the rise with 10 lakh people diagnosed with it every year. Around 7 lakh of them die, making it one of the leading causes of death. On the one hand, there is no proper awareness about the disease and diagnosis happens when a person has reached the terminal stage.


Causes: Alcohol,Smoking and Tobacco,Diet and Physical Activity,Viruses and Other Infections,UV radiation in sunlight,some food-related factors, such as nitrites and poly aromatic hydrocarbons generated by barbecuing food).






This program is a small effort to make people AWARE of how to protect themselves and prevent the transmission of HIV. Anyone can contract this disease, which is why it is important for students & truck drivers as well as poor migrants to be AWARE of how to protect themselves and prevent the transmission of HIV.
HIV patients can also have other health problems such as Liver disease, Hepatitis, Skin Problems, Cancer, Blood Problems, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Mouth (Oral) Problems, T.B, Cholesterol problems etc.


Causes: Alcohol,Smoking and Tobacco,Diet and Physical Activity,Viruses and Other Infections,UV radiation in sunlight,some food-related factors, such as nitrites and poly aromatic hydrocarbons generated by barbecuing food).


Karuna Devi Foundation is provide awareness tothe solution of these kind deadly diseasesa.These health camps impart health education and sensitize the community on preventive and promotive health grounds. These camps are aimed at generating awareness, diagnosis and treatment of numerous health hazards. Specialized health camps are organized for TB,Heart disease,Dengue,Cancer,HIV/AIDS disease.




For all these, people are encouraged to incorporate healthy habits and take various preventive measures. In addition, people are also spurred to boost up their daily nutrition intake. They are also given information on how to integrate and maintain hygiene in their lifestyle. Apart from that, special attention is given to women’s reproductive health. Women health care camps also foster women to seek medical aid for their reproductive health and well-being. Counseling couples, educating adolescent girls and other informative activities too are undertaken by Aashra Ek Ummid.The complete health awareness programme is focused towards making rural people aware of how they can maintain a healthy lifestyle while undertaking various preventive measures.


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